Friday, May 13, 2011

Another deck ...with no final pictures.

This deck was done also a few years ago using the composite (half wood and half recycled plastic.  The house was in desperate need of some back yard  help.

Deck replacement in Dublin a few years ago

This client wanted to replace the slightly deteriorating painted redwood deck that overlooked his backyard and the Scioto River.  He chose a completely synthetic deckboard made from recycled plastic.  It promised to be totally maintenance free.   I had never worked with the material before, and found after reading the mfg's installation instructions that it expands and contracts greatly with temperature.  A 16ft board would be 2 inches shorter at 20 degrees then at 90 degrees.  I never did see how the deck looked in its cold state, but it did look great in its warm state with no shrinkage.